Quadrivalent Influenza Vaccine 2023/24
Product Details:
Intramuscular injection of inactivated influenza vaccine
Individuals 9 years old or above: Single dose
Individuals 6 months - 8 years old: 1 or 2 doses are required and recommended to have at least 4 weeks apart between the vaccinations.
Guidelines for Children Having Influenza Vaccine
An International Guideline has been given that children aged under 9 years and who have NOT received any influenza vaccination previously, are recommended to have at least 4 weeks apart between the vaccinations. Children who reach the age of 9 years require 1 shot of influenza vaccine only.
24 Designated Quality HealthCare Flu Vaccination Centres:
Click here for more details.
If you have any of the following conditions, you are recommended to seek advice before receiving vaccination.
- Suffer from any acute, chronic or severe illness or any illness (with or without fever) e.g. upper respiratory tract infection, common cold
- Allergic to any vaccine components, including egg white, chicken protein, gentamicin sulphate, neomycin, formaldehyde (preservative), haemagglutinin, etc.
- Allergy or serious reaction to drug or vaccine in the past
- Blood disorder e.g. thrombocytopenia, coagulation disorder
- Immunocompromised
Download Quality HealthCare Mobile App to make a booking flu for vaccination services!

Recommended for
Individuals aged 6 months or above (age as at the date of vaccination)