Medical Examinations for the renewal of Hong Kong Class 1, Class 2 and Class 3 medical certificates pursuant to Articles 20(7)(b) and 65(7)(a) of the Air Navigation (Hong Kong) Order 1995 (只提供英文版本)
Medical Examinations for the renewal of Hong Kong Class 1, Class 2 and Class 3 medical certificates pursuant to Articles 20(7)(b) and 65(7)(a) of the Air Navigation (Hong Kong) Order 1995 (只提供英文版本)




  1. 企業客戶尊享碼只供卓健企業客戶使用。
  2. 此企業客戶尊享碼不可與其他禮遇同時使用、不可兌換現金或其他產品、轉售或商業用途。
  3. 如有任何爭議,卓健醫療服務有限公司保留最終決定權及解釋權。